Music + High Tech Career Led This Geek to Rocking Mics at Board Rooms and Conferences

Jody Rodgers began life as a music fan. He bought his first record at seven years old, surprising his parents with his selection of the Gene Simmons Kiss album. He was music director at his college radio station, managed bands, designed CDs and gig posters, and in general lived and breathed music.  He knows a thing or two about rocking.


Then along came computers. Beginning with a TI99, he was instantly fascinated with technology. This led to long hours in computer labs at school. Eventually he found himself building a career in the IT departments of various high tech companies. This in turn led to a move into software product management and the rest, as they say, is history.  


As a product manager, Jody quickly learned presentations rule! Finding himself frequently called on to give presentations and speak at large conferences to clients and colleagues alike, he discovered he had a knack. All those years of concert going had given him a pretty good idea of how to put on a great show. He threw in his knowledge of information and presentation design and developed his own formula for enlivening and informative talks.

Jody offers his experience, knowledge and insights of public speaking to help you get your point across and rock the mic.

Jody lives in Seattle, WA, USA with his wife and fluffy cat.



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